Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 5

Week 5

There are so many different types of software available for the classroom. I feel like I don’t use my resources as well as I should. Here are 6 different types of resources that can be used in the classroom. Some of these I use and others I plan on incorporating.   

Drill and Practice- These sites are designed to give practice on certain topics. It allows students to practice to improve skills. In my classroom I use This site does cost, luckily the school district I work with pays for this. I can monitor each student’s progress.  

Tutorial- A tutorial website is a website that teaches students along with practice. I don’t have a website that I use like this in my classroom, but I searched and found a neat math site at Students can type in their math problem and can see step by step how to work it out. This would be a great website to use during my math intervention! I can’t wait.

 Simulation- These sites are designed to give students a front seat or hands on experience to things they normally wouldn’t be able to see or do. I found a wonderful science site to use with my 4th graders;

Instructional Games- These sites are just what they sound like, FUN educational games. We use these often in the classroom and in our computer lab. One of my favorite sites is:

 Problem Solving: These sites are to challenge students with different puzzles and games that allow students to use problem solving skills. I think that sometimes we can overlook teaching and practicing problem solving skills. I plan on using this site,, during my computer lab time so my students can practice problem solving skills.

 Integrated Learning Systems: These types of software are designed to give educators and students overall information on academic process. A lot of this type of software cost money. At my school we started using ,,  where we can look at student’s strengths and weaknesses in reading and math. Then we can group students or even pull individual students to help reteach skills.
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Apryl, SAHM Guide@SAHMguide
What's Hot: 20 Educational Websites for Kids: Discover 20 of the best educational websites for kids. Le...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stormie!
    I use often; sometimes for whole group practice, and sometimes for independant practice. I love that you can assign a specific skill to be practiced. Also, I like that you can choose from other grade level skills as well. I was not familiar with the funschool website. Thanks for sharing!
